MARISOL DC - Separator disc cleaner
Liquid compound containing an inhibited acid-based solvent. Removes heavy deposits on separator discs. Where CIP-cleaning is installed, use CIP-cleaners MARISOL FC or MARISOL SC.
MARISOL HE - Heat exchanger cleaner
Liquid compound for cleaning marine fouling from heat exchanger , sea water filters and cooling water systems. Can also be used to disinfect potable water systems. Also suitable for removal of smells from drains or toilet systems.
MARISOL LR POWDER - Limestone remover
Powder compound containing active acid with inhibitors to protect standard constructional metals. Fast and effective scale remover for evaporators, boilers and water systems. A colour indicator shows the strength of the solution. Read Instruction for use.
MARISOL MB - Metal brightener
Acid liquid compound with emulsifiers and passivators. Brightener for aluminium surfaces, removal of burnt in soot deposits on Deck. Also suitable for removal of rust streaks. Manual cleaning.
MARISOL PC - Pipe cleaner & de-scaler
Strong acid cleaning solution. Protects against formations/deposit in pipes, i. E. sewage & vacuum systems, when dosed continuously. Also suitable for scale removal in heat exchangers and pipe systems. See Instruction for use.
MARISOL RW - Rust wash
Acid liquid compound with a blend of phosphoric- and oxalic acid. Contains corrosion inhibitors. Very efficient against rust formations, rust streaks, cement and lime deposits. Pre-treatment before painting. Manual cleaning – See Instruction for use.
MARISOL WD - Wooden deck cleaner
Comprehensive treatment and cleaner for all types of wooden decks. The composition of powerful detergents together with oxalic acid removes grease and soot deposits and leaves a film free and lightened surface on the wood.